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Thursday, February 27, 2003
SimShalom :
so hope...and study..what else can you do..pray a little that it can do no harm
You ask God for EVERYTHING hon, from soup to nuts..( I mean "normal" nuts of course) :
You put the effort for sure , that's your part..he "makes it happen" from above...like praying for and getting rain.. :
just in this case you are the "cloud" that wants to be rainy and produce
X :
i don't feel that
consequently the outcome can be good or bad
G-d gives us the reason, but we have to choose how we will use it
SimShalom (9:57 PM) :
I am not arguing with you
I am saying that after you have made all the choices and put in all the effort
THEN the 'Final" effort and verdict will be absolutely determined by God.
The over-all "framework" is also set down by God, like he created all the forces of nature, and we live by them, he also gave us the talents and skills to do thinks.
He then gives us inspirational and ideas to move us
We then go on to make the choices.
We put in our maximum efforts, a
and all along we pray that He guide us well and safely and grant our undertakings with success the more the better
all along this path we have Faith and continue to PRAY so that he will treat us well and with kindness and success
yeah, but G-d create monkies and the conditions for man to evolve and recognize him? or did G-d create 2 perfectly in tact humans?
and if so, where do fossils fit in?
SimShalom :
The "origins of the species" or the "origins of man/woman" is an entirely diffent subject.
Prayer relates to a normal FUNCTIONAL real world as we know.
How and why humans came to be on this planet is a separate discussion.
One thing I can tell you that the rabbis say,
since there were no HUMAN witnesses present when God created th Universe, then Earth, then Nature, then Human Life...so no-one is in a position to calinm that they "know" or "witnessed" what happened.
Thus wether you hold by Evolution or Creationism, either way you have made a choice based on LAter information.
Creationism is BAsed on the Torah/Bible,
and Evolution is based on so-called "science".
But pure science does not knot what the TRUTh is since "science" was not there to see it happen and tell us...wwe have to uase our own brain and values to decide

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