Jewish, Jewish, Everywhere, & not a drop to drink
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
O: How hard does your family work to get ready for Sabbath?
SimShalom (2:13 AM) :
ok, there is a good web site that answers those sort of questions fairly accurately:
Look at: JEWFAQ there is info in the middle of the page as you scroll down on
"A Typical Shabbat" (Shabbat is "sabbath" in Hebrew. In fact the English word is derived directly from the Hebrew word, as is very obvious in this case)
I'm just asking because I'm trying to figure out how to have a decent Sunday "Sabbath" that feels restful. I've never succeeded and I would like to get off the treadmill.
SimShalom (2:17 AM) :
mmm, good need to research those old "blue laws" that used to prohibit work and various activities on Sundays because it was the Christian Sabbath.
A Jewish Sabbath is a very busy day in its own way, it has its own routines and disciplines that seem strange to someone who has never observed it.
My favorite Sunday tradition is the Sunday afternoon nap.
O :
I mourn for Blue Laws.
SimShalom (2:20 AM) :
oh yes, that is also a big part of the Jewish Sabbath, In the winter it's hard to have a decent one because the days are shorter hence the Sabbath day itself is shorter..the summers are great for naps...but don't forget to have an air conditioner running for those muggy days
LOL! If the kids aren't around, Sunday afternoon fun. Would that be acceptable Sabbath Day activity? I am reading the web site while I wait for your messages. I think the idea of the Christian Sabbath as a day of prayer is antiquated and from Puritan times. Maybe Quakers and Mennonites still practice a day of prayer on Sunday, but most Christians do not. Prayer is a part of our services and Christians are told to pray "without ceasing". Those who pray daily would pray anyway.
SimShalom (2:26 AM) :
Paltalk is a universe of its own, with sound (and web cams for a minority)
O: Do you shut off the lights on the Sabbath, or is that sort of like the way Quakers are to Christianity?
SimShalom (2:35 AM) :
As for Sex on the Jewish Sabbath, on Friday night which is the night of the commencement of the Sabbath..., it is actually almost "compulsory" as it is the act of union between husband and wife who unite thru sex and this mirrors the complete"UNITY", or ONE-ness, of God.
Roflol. This is a fun practice!
Christians need to get this straight!
SimShalom (2:37 AM) :
yea . especially the Catholic clergy
Well, some of this, especially the candle lighting, and the blessings look very nice. I think I am going to have to get my family to start getting ready for Sunday a couple of days early.
SimShalom (2:42 AM) :
I am doing a search on Sex on Jewish Sabbath" on Google, some interesting stuff..even how some non_Jews are latching onto some things...
Not cooking, now this is a great idea! However, it is more difficult when Sabbath begins in the morning than when it begins at night. You have the day to prepare.
Really? I will have to look tomorrow.
Friday is preparation day...some industrious ones start their preparation on Wednesdays!
Sabbath observance is serious *(and fun) but since it is the BED ROCK of Orthodox Judaism (in fact all Judaism) it is taken very very seriously, all based on Biblical Commands about this day
I like that. Part of the Christian rebellion about "legalism" has caused many of these customs to be forgotten or ignored. To our detriment I think because the framework and process for the day has not been replaced with anything other than attending church. The day of prayer thing was "legalistic" in itself and that's why most Christians don't sit in a chair all afternoon praying. OK, I am off to bed now. Thanks for talking. Talk to you again soon I hope.
SimShalom (2:49 AM) :
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