Jewish, Jewish, Everywhere, & not a drop to drink
Sunday, March 23, 2003
SimShalom :
Hi, how are you ..?
M :
fine and you?
SimShalom :
Good thanks. How is life ?
M :
so so
we are in a crisis
SimShalom :
You mean with the economy?
but is so so
M :
yes, that's what i mean
M :
there are to many poor people
M :
without a job
SimShalom :
That is a big problem. But has there been a little improvement in the last few months..?
M :
no...everything becomes worse everyday
but God helps us
SimShalom :
M :
it depends...
M :
the situation is bad...
M :
compared with other countries
M :
but there are worse worse situations
Yes I know. When do you think things will improve?
i really dont know
M :
i think that we need GOD
M :
we have to adore HIM...not saints or pictures...
M :
because nothing works today
SimShalom :
You are a special person, most people are not brave enough to say this..
M :
i dont know, i just say what a think
M :
the problem is spiritual...not just economic
SimShalom :
But are not most people there good there not enough religion?
yes, but they adored saints and pictures of Jesus...
that doesn't work
SimShalom :
I see, so you think that is a big problem.
Well definitely, Judaism will very much agree with you..!
i knew that you are Jewish
SimShalom :
Yes, we have spoken about it.
I also teach Jewish studies.
M :
ah, i remember...i am so sorry about my English
SimShalom :
Your English is fine.
You said then, that you had some interest in Judaism. Like maybe the "messianics", even tho they are really Christians.
M :
yes i did
SimShalom :
So what have you been studying lately..?
M :
M :
what does that mean?
SimShalom :
in recent days or in the last weeks
M :
i understand but what?? study what?? mesiahnic judaism??
M :
no, i know things..
SimShalom :
anything in your spiritual studies..maybe something connected to Judaism.
M :
yes, about the Old Testament
M :
Abraham, Moses, Daniel, etc
SimShalom :
That is solid stuff, they are powerful people..
M :
yes, i know...but it is God´s power...not theirs
SimShalom :
of course it's ALWAYS God's power, but they were given great powers...
yes, i know..
SimShalom :
Where did you get your religious beliefs from..?
M :
the church
M :
my family
SimShalom :
and do they also say what you say..about saints and pictures not being good enough..?
M :
they believe like i do...
M :
we believe in the Father creator of the earth and in His son Jesus
What church do you belong to?
evangelic pentecostal
SimShalom :
it makes sense , since you do not sound Catholic. How did your family become become evangelical ?
M :
because my parents couldn't have children...they prayed to God ad He gave three
SimShalom :
It is a miracle.
And that made them leave the Catholic church?
M :
yes,because they also didnt feel God ´ s presence
the were in a strucuture and formalism
M :
God make us freeM
His Words
SimShalom :
Your family is very unusual. You know it.
So what makes you now think about the "Jewish" connection to Christianity?
M :
because Jesus was jewish...wasnt he???
M :
well..thats very important...
and we read all the Bible...
M :
old and new testament
M :
Abraham's words and John's words
M :
and Jesus' words...obviously
SimShalom :
Yes he was definitely Jewish, and Christianity came from Judaism mostly...
M :
yes, i know
M :
but Jewish people dont believe in Jesus...they wait until today for the mesaiah
SimShalom :
That is why they are Jewish.
If they believed in Jesus they would be Christian.
It is logical, no?
yes i know...
M :
but Jesus was Jewish..and I believe in Jesus..
M :
and i believe HE is the messiah...i am a jewish mesianic
SimShalom :
Ok, so that is why YOU are Christian.
It is Not Judaism.
judaism no, but i can considered me like a jewish mesianic or not?
Sim Shalom:
You can call yourself whatever you like. There is no "religion police" to decide or judge you.
There are definitely many groups in the world who call themselves "Jewish messianics" they try to combine Jewish PRACTICES and Christian ideas. Like kosher, Hebrew language prayer, involvement with Israel and some other things..
M :
yes i know...but my religion is believe in God..nothing more...
i dont care the name that everything says it is
SimShalom :
Yes, belief in God is something inside the heart and soul of a person. But there are also ACTS and ACTIONS, RITUALS. And in Judaism these acts are called the "commandments" . When you read the Bible, don't you see all those things that God has commanded the Children Of Israel ?
M :
yes, i know some things--
M :
give me an example..
SimShalom :
Well what does it say on the Ten Commandments?
M :
don't steal?¡
M :
honor parents
SimShalom :
Ok, so those are actions, they are not just beliefs
yes, i know...i try to realize those actions
SimShalom :
So what I am saying, is that Judaism is not just about "believing" in One God, it is also about doing what God's wants us to do. He Tells us and those things are called "commandments".
M :
yes, i believe in that...
SimShalom :
Another example is Passover, Jesus observed the Passover, it was his 'last supper' so "Hebrew christians" or "messianic Jews" will observe some thing to do with Passover, like eating the "matza"
M :
yes...that too
M :
and the candles.i dont know the celebration....that the oil burned for seven nights or something like that
SimShalom :
Ok, so that is what I was saying before that it is not enough just to "believe" in God, a person also has to do what God "commanded" them to do.
M :
yes, thats true
Sim Shalom:
Doing the "acts" by observing the "commandments" brings a person closer to God.
M :
and have good relations
SimShalom :
good relations with other people and good relations with God. That is why there are two sides of the Ten Commencements. The First Five Commandments are between Man and God (To believe in Him, not to worship an idol, not to have another God, etc), and the Second Five deal between Man and Man (not to steal, be jealous of someone, not to kill etc)
yes,...that's the the earth and to the heaven
look the sides of the cross...
SimShalom :
well in Judaism there is no cross. There is the LADDER in Jacob's dream that goes from the Earth to the Heaven.
M :
yes,that too
M :
but the cross is very important
SimShalom :
not in Judaism,
For Christians it is .
The cross has nothing to do with Judaism.
Jews do not have a "symbol" connected with God. The Jewish Star of David is just a decoration. It is NOT anything in the Jewish religion. Like you said, God does not need human symbols from this world.
M :
do you think the messiah has come??
SimShalom :
M :
what do you think=?
M :
what do you believe?
SimShalom :
No the Messiah has definitely not come YET...he will bring PEACE to the world. So far it has not happened. We may be getting VERY closer, but God's chosen Messiah, the Jewish King who will rule the world has not come yet...he will come...when God decides to send him, then he will reveal himself the to whole world and there will be no more doubt
M :
ah ok...i respect that
SimShalom :
ok, it is simple.
Christianity believe and says that the Messiah has come and that he was Jesus.
Judaism says that the Messiah has NOT come, and that Jesus was NOT the Messiah. The Messiah will come in the future.
M :
yes, i know that...
M :
can we talk another day?
M :
i have to go to bed...its late
SimShalom :
Take care. have a good weekend. Nice chatting to you. Bye.
M :
nice to talk with you.really
SimShalom :
Thanks you too, bye, when I am on line again and you want to, contact me. Bye.
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